join the conversationThe best source of honest and unbiased homeownership advice comes from the real life experiences that average homeowners themselves face. The broader and more diverse the research covers the more thorough and competent the advice becomes. At launch through the participation of over 5000 homeowners covering their years of homeownership from 1950 onward North America's first study of homeownership was completed. This experiential evidence focused from 1980 onward covering major house price corrections ( one lasting 10 years ), major recessions (including the Great Recession), mortgage interest rates from a high of over 23% to a low of under 3% and included over $650 million being spent on maintaining and upgrading the homes covered. As a group the youngest homeowner was only 21 yrs old while the oldest was 87.
You too can be part of the conversation and your own real life experiences of homeownership can be added to others. In return you will have access to research that goes beyond anything ever before recorded on homeownership. Your part is easy, simply respond to requests for the answers to simple questions and surveys that directly focus on homeownership. Your responses will be added to the ongoing research and serve as yet another tier of verification to be sure the advice being generated is reflecting not only those initial 5000 homeowners experiences but also your own experiences too. Even if you don't want to participate in the random surveys as long as you complete the Annual Homeownership Review (AHR) which takes less than 15 mins to complete properly, you will maintain your access to the Contributing Members only areas. Join us in helping the 11 million Canadian families our market insights are being generated for today. Help every homeowner in Canada learn more about homeownership and how to make it the most profitable possible. Help the next generation of Canadian homeowners by allowing them to learn from what you already experienced! homeowners proved